Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good morning Angels.

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Today, today, was spent at East Coast. Hasyim got the car [yay!], so we had a helluva good time driving around. Well I think he's tired, but it was still fun. And blading really is a great workout, trust me. 2 hours will knock you out completely!

So we bladed with his friends, one who was an instructor so we sorta had a free lesson. :D T-brakes and learning how to do cross-overs were fun, especially when attempted by ambitious people. Me, I stick to the safe side. Sometimes admittedly too safe but I'll wait til I get the proper guards before I try out anything remotely.. dangerous.

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After that, we had dinner at The Rice Table. Good food, we definitely stuffed ourselves. It was something like a buffet, and I think I was some sort a buffet newbie so, umm, I took alot of different food but only little bites out of each. Hehe, think it's a place with good ambience and an interesting concept. I suppose it works for the owners too, because what happens is that they serve you small portions of about 20 dishes and each time one dish finishes, they top it up for you - so they save on portions that way. And it works for us because we get to sample a great variety yet still get to 'focus' on a few. :)

When I look at the stars,
I feel like myself.

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Okayy, I know I look very tembam. Haha! And I still refuse to take specifically food pictures.

Off to KL tomorrow. :) Bags aren't packed yet, but that's cause I'm really tired. Can't wait for the wedding(s)!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sapphire and faded jeans.

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon - so sweet.
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

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Tonight we met up at Simpang for dinner, after close to forever. It was alot of fun, especially when I found old photos of us in my wallet and we were reminiscing the awesome Cedar days. I can't wait for Huda to join us and hopefully through more casual meet-ups, a great friendship will be continued. =)

It's funny, how things change and how different we are now. We haven't kept in touch much but really, the reminiscing bit of tonight really made me feel warm. Maybe a mistake we made was not keeping in close touch over the years but I promise, things will change. ♥

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Keeping it Real.

Baby, baby, I'm sad.

Let's start off with my day, shall we? Dear Shaza came over and we baked a Strawberry Cheesecake together. It tastes pretty good, if I do say so myself. The only problem is that, I think, it's difficult for a cheesecake to be 'ready' because it's naturally very soft, so it's hard to tell when it's done and hard to remove it from the tin. Get what I'm saying? All in all, we did a pretty good job, especially for a first attempt. :)

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But it's alot of fun! We headed over to Shop N' Save before that to buy the ingredients then made our way home. Admittedly, my kitchen is not bake-friendly, but we prevailed! Haha

My stomach's been acting up. And before you insist that it's because of the cake, let me clarify that no, it isn't - it's been acting up since morning and nobody else's stomach is acting up.

When my aunt came over, she ate two slices! We should bake again, refine our skills. ;)

I read a really great book recently. It's titled Under the Belly and I'm ashamed to admit that I almost skipped it because I've never heard of the author before and I couldn't be bothered to get used to another writing style. Chick lits are da bomb, seriously. They're funny and real and incredibly heartwarming. This author was really talented because I felt like I was really gaining insight into the character's life and it became so personal that I practically felt like I was reading a blog. I starting it after dinner and kept up with the reading the whole night. Sorry, Hasyim! Hehe :D

I'm listening to Take Me Away [accoustic] by Lifehouse so you should be able to guess at my mood. By the way, you should check out the accoustic version if you haven't had the chance because it's really good. :)

Anyway the following pictures were taken a few days ago. The place is gorgeous and I can't wait to go back. One day we'll have a picnic here, okay? When is Blogger going to have something similar to LJ-Cut? Sometimes my entries get abit lenghty.

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I'm leaving for KL next Thursday. I've been going overseas alot this holidays, haven't I? I feel like it's easier to count the number of days I've been in Singapore more than the days I've been overseas. All my baju kurungs are packed for the wedding and I'm ready to go! I'm starting to get used to travelling, it gets pretty fun when done in short stints, haha. I still think Redang is one of the best places to go to, though. Can't wait to go back there.

I'm anticipating the start of next semester.

Looking through my pictures make me wish I bother more with makeup, haha. Not wearing makeup is bad for us when we take pictures! Especially when you've got splotchy skin, like me. But makeup is very, very bad for my skin! I tried wearing alot of it a couple of days back and now I've got a huge breakout. And I think, I'm finally going to admit defeat. Some of us just don't work well with makeup. Grrr.

Touché, Mother Nature. Just please clear up these spots and scars and I promise to stay away from pretty pots of blushers and the entire range of foundation/concealer/compacts.

I'm not saying anything about eyeliners/eyeshadows/lip gloss... yet. Haha ;)

I've seen it all and it's never enough,
it's keeps leaving me needing you.

Don't give up on me,
don't forget who I am.
I'm not I'm not there yet,
but don't let me stay here alone.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Golden Rule.

People are interesting to watch.

You watch, wait and you wonder what they're going to do next and most of the time, they surprise you.

People don't usually let you down. If you look around, if you look hard enough beyond the bricks you've erected, you'll see so many good hearts and willing hands. Only the foolish and the weak think they're alone.

Every story has it's own message woven into it. Every movie, even if it's a chick flick, has a message. As you move through life, you realize that there are alot of people who have "been there, done that." Yet your experiences are unique to you and make you who you are.


On a different note, I went to Lulu's brother's wedding just now. Lulu and Este were really pretty, as usual. I liked the pelamin because it looked very different - very contempory. The thing is, whenever I attend weddings, I start imagining how mine will look like and what I want then I quickly tell myself to shush because I don't want to spoil the fun of planning [when I do get the chance to plan] by planning now. Get? I mean, I know, there's nothing wrong with drawing up plans and ideas on how you'd want it to be but I don't want to give it too much thought for now.

My room is in a complete mess. I desperately need to tidy up, especially before school starts. You know, think I'm now hooked on travelling. Remember how I was initially so reluctant to go to KL/Jakarta/Bali? If you give me the chance to go again, I'd probably jump at it. But you know, I don't usually travel so many times. It's just cause my mom's free as a bird, and well, since it's the holidays, so am I, so I'm the one she lugs around. [HAHA I sound like luggage, don't I?] So in a way, guess I'm looking forward to the upcoming KL trip.

See ya, loves! :)


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@ the lobby.

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@ Sentosa.

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@ Raffles.

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@ the train station.

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I'm a blonde! [In Jakarta.]

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@ Ayam Bakar Ojolali.

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Before the wedding.

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After the wedding.

The pictures were taken over a long period of time, that's why my hair colour 'could change', haha. I don't remember if I've mentioned this in a previous entry but my hair is now a highlighted blonde/brown/ash. Heh. I'm not too sure of the exact tone but I did it in Jakart for a really low price. :) WELL. Majority of my family members hate it so I think I'll be covering it soon, but for now, I'm just enjoying the change, haha.

Jannah just asked why I don't have more pics of my hair. Hmmm. Maybe I'll take more soon, but for now, ciaoz!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


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I had the most incredible, awesome trip ever.

Firsty up, about the pictures: the first two are of everyone eating durians which we got a guy to bring over from Kuala Terengganu. I don't eat durians, so..
The last two, well, I didn't know they were taken. The guys took it when I left their table for a while, haha, and I only found them now. And seriously, I have very few pictures. I think I was having too much fun, drinking in everything that I didn't really take pictures. Besides, Mihkaail and Azmyr had their cameras ready.

To a large extent, the fun I had was due to the company. But the Berjaya Redang beach was gorgeous too. My aunt said it's almost as good as the Maldives. Almost, haha. You can walk out almost 50 metres and the crystal clear water will only be as deep as your waist, with fishes swimming around you.

One amazing thing that happened, happened yesterday, when I got on the paddle boat with Azmyr and Mihkaail. We paddled all the way to another beach! It was just us on that empty, uninhabited beach. It felt almost surreal - as though we were the survivors from Lost or something. When we were leaving the beach, the waves kept pushing us back to shore so Azmyr jumped out and he actually pushed us, together with the paddle boat a short distance against the waves before jumping in himself. Like, whoa!

The banana boat ride was scary but fun! My past experiences with banana boat rides did not prepare me for this one because banana boat rides are traditionally very mild rides. Aren't they? I went on this one with Madz, Myrza and Mihkaail and Mihkaail very gallantly allowed me to sit in front. Hah! The front is the worst! My fingers were so stiff from hanging on, okay! I was so scared that I would topple over into the sea because we went really far out and the waves were SO choppy and wild. There was even one part where the driver cleverly made the tip of the banana boat submerge, and well, guess who was in front? ME! So I almost went in! Haha! The guys behind me kept shouting at the driver to go faster and they later guessed he went at at least 40 knots [whatever that means] so yeah. I was having fun, don't get me wrong, but I was so afraid of falling in. Fuuuh! Apparently banana boat rides can get quite dangerous, especially if you fall in because you can end up breaking your arm or something. Seeing how rough the sea was, I really could understand why.

Snorkelling. I didn't really follow them on their snorkelling trip because I got sick after the first stop, which was a pity because at the first stop, it was 10 feet deep but my cousins said that the second stop had really pretty corals and was much shallower. The next day, it was just Azmyr and I at the Marine Park and damn, the waves were choppy. I was scared that I couldn't swim in those waters but the boatman helped me for a bit. The water was kinda murky though, so we couldn't see much. But when he wanted to bring me to a deeper [and much choppier] portion which had nicer corals, I refused, but Azmyr went with him and I think they dived a little as well to see some big fishes hiding under the rocks.

I learnt how to play pool and table tennis. Madz, Myrza and Azmyr are really good at pool. They have all their different angles and aims! Madz taught me and Mihkaail, and we kept playing against each other because "we have our own system that works". But during the game that Madz taught us, it was funny because he was doing all the aiming for us, haha. Watching Azmyr play table tennis with his dad in a friendly, competitive game, was good fun as well. Apparently they used to have a table tennis table and would play every night after dinner.

The trip to Laguna was interesting because of the boat rides, organized by Joe Glamour. The boats were the old, rickety kind - very dangerous + very fun. Hahaha, crossing over rocking boats, feeling the spray of the seswater and lots of fresh wind made for an unforgettable experience. Apparently, Laguna is supposed to be a more happening place but I prefer the beach at Berjaya because the waters are alot clearer and it's less crowded.

So yepp, basically, it was one of my best trips ever. :) Let's end on this happy note, shall we? Now it's time for lunch.