Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good morning Angels.

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Today, today, was spent at East Coast. Hasyim got the car [yay!], so we had a helluva good time driving around. Well I think he's tired, but it was still fun. And blading really is a great workout, trust me. 2 hours will knock you out completely!

So we bladed with his friends, one who was an instructor so we sorta had a free lesson. :D T-brakes and learning how to do cross-overs were fun, especially when attempted by ambitious people. Me, I stick to the safe side. Sometimes admittedly too safe but I'll wait til I get the proper guards before I try out anything remotely.. dangerous.

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After that, we had dinner at The Rice Table. Good food, we definitely stuffed ourselves. It was something like a buffet, and I think I was some sort a buffet newbie so, umm, I took alot of different food but only little bites out of each. Hehe, think it's a place with good ambience and an interesting concept. I suppose it works for the owners too, because what happens is that they serve you small portions of about 20 dishes and each time one dish finishes, they top it up for you - so they save on portions that way. And it works for us because we get to sample a great variety yet still get to 'focus' on a few. :)

When I look at the stars,
I feel like myself.

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Okayy, I know I look very tembam. Haha! And I still refuse to take specifically food pictures.

Off to KL tomorrow. :) Bags aren't packed yet, but that's cause I'm really tired. Can't wait for the wedding(s)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi. which ricetable did you go to?