Monday, April 23, 2007

I'd rather spend my days with you

I suddenly have a craving for a large mug of milky hot chocolate. I think it has to do with my experience just now, before sitting for the paper.

It rained so so so heavily and they just had to choose Sheares Hall, which requires you to climb up a hill before getting there and no, there is no shelter. So we braced ourselves under a tiny umbrella which bravely tried to shield us but, we're all big girls here, so... yeah. Haha.

But there was a lady who was so sweet, she actually went out of her way to accompany me to the bus stop using her umbrella before turning back and going to her own bus stop which was in the opposite direction. I was really really touched. (: So lady, chances are, you probably won't read this but again, thank you.

I was drenched. Pretty much completely. But thank goodness for Xq! She stays there and was so sweet, lent me a dry t-shirt and her sweater. :D But Sheares Hall looks really cosy by the way! If I ever apply, I'll definately choose there. Xq would be right next door anyway. :D But throughout the paper I was shivering like crazy and I even wrote down how cold I was, at different intervals, to show the differences in my handwriting as the minutes ticked. It was brain-freeze. I tried blowing on my fingers, sitting on them, sticking them under my shirt but no luck.

Oh boy. You can bet it was a paper that was not well done.

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