Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lessons learnt.

2.53am: I guess I've learnt the hard way that having many people read your blog isn't a good thing. I've never been a fan of "it's my journal, I can say whatever I want and I didn't ask your sorry-ass to read it" which has led me to practice a lot of diplomacy in the words I say and to not blog carelessly. Because, after all, blogging is public. Read by anyone [and hey, almost everyone].

The funny thing is that when I blog with tact, the attacks turn personal. Vicious, nasty comments based on untruths. And after having affected me for so long... I've decided not to bother about it anymore. My only mistake was to let it mess with me for as long as it did.

But hey, I've learnt. This entire fiasco has been going on for as long as it did and my stand now? I don't have to justify myself to you when you won't stop to listen to me.

Indifference does go a long way. And that's going to be me to you. I should have been strong enough to ignore spitefulness before, I hope I am now.

Cause my mama taught me better than that - I'm a survivor.


Anonymous said...

hey (:
i so get what you mean about blogging with fact i agree with all the things you say about the end of the day, im just thankful that i have a blog to rant all my feelings..heheh

Ira said...

haha yepp, totally!