Saturday, July 21, 2007

Keeping it Real.

Baby, baby, I'm sad.

Let's start off with my day, shall we? Dear Shaza came over and we baked a Strawberry Cheesecake together. It tastes pretty good, if I do say so myself. The only problem is that, I think, it's difficult for a cheesecake to be 'ready' because it's naturally very soft, so it's hard to tell when it's done and hard to remove it from the tin. Get what I'm saying? All in all, we did a pretty good job, especially for a first attempt. :)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

But it's alot of fun! We headed over to Shop N' Save before that to buy the ingredients then made our way home. Admittedly, my kitchen is not bake-friendly, but we prevailed! Haha

My stomach's been acting up. And before you insist that it's because of the cake, let me clarify that no, it isn't - it's been acting up since morning and nobody else's stomach is acting up.

When my aunt came over, she ate two slices! We should bake again, refine our skills. ;)

I read a really great book recently. It's titled Under the Belly and I'm ashamed to admit that I almost skipped it because I've never heard of the author before and I couldn't be bothered to get used to another writing style. Chick lits are da bomb, seriously. They're funny and real and incredibly heartwarming. This author was really talented because I felt like I was really gaining insight into the character's life and it became so personal that I practically felt like I was reading a blog. I starting it after dinner and kept up with the reading the whole night. Sorry, Hasyim! Hehe :D

I'm listening to Take Me Away [accoustic] by Lifehouse so you should be able to guess at my mood. By the way, you should check out the accoustic version if you haven't had the chance because it's really good. :)

Anyway the following pictures were taken a few days ago. The place is gorgeous and I can't wait to go back. One day we'll have a picnic here, okay? When is Blogger going to have something similar to LJ-Cut? Sometimes my entries get abit lenghty.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'm leaving for KL next Thursday. I've been going overseas alot this holidays, haven't I? I feel like it's easier to count the number of days I've been in Singapore more than the days I've been overseas. All my baju kurungs are packed for the wedding and I'm ready to go! I'm starting to get used to travelling, it gets pretty fun when done in short stints, haha. I still think Redang is one of the best places to go to, though. Can't wait to go back there.

I'm anticipating the start of next semester.

Looking through my pictures make me wish I bother more with makeup, haha. Not wearing makeup is bad for us when we take pictures! Especially when you've got splotchy skin, like me. But makeup is very, very bad for my skin! I tried wearing alot of it a couple of days back and now I've got a huge breakout. And I think, I'm finally going to admit defeat. Some of us just don't work well with makeup. Grrr.

Touché, Mother Nature. Just please clear up these spots and scars and I promise to stay away from pretty pots of blushers and the entire range of foundation/concealer/compacts.

I'm not saying anything about eyeliners/eyeshadows/lip gloss... yet. Haha ;)

I've seen it all and it's never enough,
it's keeps leaving me needing you.

Don't give up on me,
don't forget who I am.
I'm not I'm not there yet,
but don't let me stay here alone.


nj said...

i want some!

Ira said...

Hehe soon! Maybe we can pig out when we don't skip MS lecture. :D