Wednesday, July 11, 2007


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I had the most incredible, awesome trip ever.

Firsty up, about the pictures: the first two are of everyone eating durians which we got a guy to bring over from Kuala Terengganu. I don't eat durians, so..
The last two, well, I didn't know they were taken. The guys took it when I left their table for a while, haha, and I only found them now. And seriously, I have very few pictures. I think I was having too much fun, drinking in everything that I didn't really take pictures. Besides, Mihkaail and Azmyr had their cameras ready.

To a large extent, the fun I had was due to the company. But the Berjaya Redang beach was gorgeous too. My aunt said it's almost as good as the Maldives. Almost, haha. You can walk out almost 50 metres and the crystal clear water will only be as deep as your waist, with fishes swimming around you.

One amazing thing that happened, happened yesterday, when I got on the paddle boat with Azmyr and Mihkaail. We paddled all the way to another beach! It was just us on that empty, uninhabited beach. It felt almost surreal - as though we were the survivors from Lost or something. When we were leaving the beach, the waves kept pushing us back to shore so Azmyr jumped out and he actually pushed us, together with the paddle boat a short distance against the waves before jumping in himself. Like, whoa!

The banana boat ride was scary but fun! My past experiences with banana boat rides did not prepare me for this one because banana boat rides are traditionally very mild rides. Aren't they? I went on this one with Madz, Myrza and Mihkaail and Mihkaail very gallantly allowed me to sit in front. Hah! The front is the worst! My fingers were so stiff from hanging on, okay! I was so scared that I would topple over into the sea because we went really far out and the waves were SO choppy and wild. There was even one part where the driver cleverly made the tip of the banana boat submerge, and well, guess who was in front? ME! So I almost went in! Haha! The guys behind me kept shouting at the driver to go faster and they later guessed he went at at least 40 knots [whatever that means] so yeah. I was having fun, don't get me wrong, but I was so afraid of falling in. Fuuuh! Apparently banana boat rides can get quite dangerous, especially if you fall in because you can end up breaking your arm or something. Seeing how rough the sea was, I really could understand why.

Snorkelling. I didn't really follow them on their snorkelling trip because I got sick after the first stop, which was a pity because at the first stop, it was 10 feet deep but my cousins said that the second stop had really pretty corals and was much shallower. The next day, it was just Azmyr and I at the Marine Park and damn, the waves were choppy. I was scared that I couldn't swim in those waters but the boatman helped me for a bit. The water was kinda murky though, so we couldn't see much. But when he wanted to bring me to a deeper [and much choppier] portion which had nicer corals, I refused, but Azmyr went with him and I think they dived a little as well to see some big fishes hiding under the rocks.

I learnt how to play pool and table tennis. Madz, Myrza and Azmyr are really good at pool. They have all their different angles and aims! Madz taught me and Mihkaail, and we kept playing against each other because "we have our own system that works". But during the game that Madz taught us, it was funny because he was doing all the aiming for us, haha. Watching Azmyr play table tennis with his dad in a friendly, competitive game, was good fun as well. Apparently they used to have a table tennis table and would play every night after dinner.

The trip to Laguna was interesting because of the boat rides, organized by Joe Glamour. The boats were the old, rickety kind - very dangerous + very fun. Hahaha, crossing over rocking boats, feeling the spray of the seswater and lots of fresh wind made for an unforgettable experience. Apparently, Laguna is supposed to be a more happening place but I prefer the beach at Berjaya because the waters are alot clearer and it's less crowded.

So yepp, basically, it was one of my best trips ever. :) Let's end on this happy note, shall we? Now it's time for lunch.


nj said...

somehow i find guys with less hair hot now. hahah.

Ira said...

Haha I wonder why. ;)