Sunday, April 22, 2007

A new life she has found.

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Face down in the dirt she said "This doesn't hurt,"
She said "I've finally had enough."

What dramatic words, huh? Haha. Listening to the radio gets me excited especially when a song that I especially love comes on air. Earlier today I went to the beach with Hasyim, albeit only for a few hours. Breathed in the salty sea air and we just sat there and talked. Cheered me up real good. :)

It's funny that I am really looking forward to going on an exchange programme because I feel like I really need a break. I'll reiterate once more that I can't wait [can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!] to go overseas.

I need a change of environment and if I'm lucky enough that it comes in the form of an overseas trip, then damn well I should take full advantage of it, yes?

I see what's going down.


Anonymous said...

hey!!! :) its good to 'feel' nature when ure stressed hehehe well good luck for ur exams!!!

fazzy...the sepet guy

Ira said...

Haha yupp. Thanks and all the best to you! :)

Husna Ahmad Sany said...

heyhey! heluu shahira :) u going on OEP? ahh so jealous. to where? ahh i am so restless. bloghopping here and there. haha.

wow got comment moderation somemore. i feel so unauthorized somewhat. haha.

Ira said...

Ehh no, I'm not. But I want to. Haha is this husna as in husna-avastama-husna? Haha helloo! :)

Husna Ahmad Sany said...

hahaha hellooo! yesyes i noe la this girl dearest sis is inside "lengan baju" HAHAHA XD

i even zoomed in many times on her during last performance, camcord-ing the whole thing, haha cos she was standing SOO far away from the rest sey. so i felt fairness in being featured was due. haha

hey im so restless that i tink i will check out shahira's devart tooo later. heaheah all the best for exams girl. :)

Ira said...

Haha funny girl! All the best to you too, and it's really nice hearing from you again. :)

And I wanna see the vids someday!