Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ransom Letter

So you stole my heart,
& wrote me a ransom letter,
demanding that I treat you better
but I never got it back.

..You're the best girl that I ever had,
I never wanna lose you so - ...

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Look at them! So engrossed in watching tv. It was a funny conversation they had initially because Ana doesn't understand movies so Noreen had to keep explaining everything to her. In the end Ana went upstairs because I think she gave up trying to understand and Noreen didn't want to be downstairs alone so she kept calling Ana and promising to explain every single thing to her. Haha and when I delivered that message to Ana, she had just come out of the toilet and was asking innocently "Boa [she calls Noreen Boa, don't ask why] will explain to me?" Haha. And I was nice enough to bake pizza for them and get them drinks on the rocks. Kay fine, it was just another attempt to avoid studying. Sorry girls, but it wasn't out of pure sisterly love. =P.

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First picture above is the view from my room, from the balcony. It looks good, doesn't it? :) In the second one, that's the rose bush my mom is so proud of. The seeds came from the rose bush that was planted in someone else's garden by my late grandmother so I guess it holds special meaning to her. :) Ask her how many buds and flowers there are, haha.

And okaayy, Gandos just tried to jump up on this particular table but she missed. So cute. :D


Anonymous said...


You've moved blog too!!
I'm surprised you found me. But how?


Ira said...

Haha I was lj-hopping. :) Give me your link?