Monday, August 27, 2007

I'll stop the world & melt with you.

It was peaceful and by far my best day in a really long time. You know how I mentioned that we were both getting weary about how busy we were? Today was the same. But after his tutorial, instead of doing other stuff, we just went out and relaxed somewhere really nice. Simply kick back our heels and do nothing. And we couldn't have gone to a better place. The Jamaican songs playing in the background, the refreshing Raspberry drink, the soft and sugary Cinnamon Roll and the many tourists made me feel like I was on holiday again. Back at, say, Pangkor and that any moment now, we could make our way to the soft sand and feel the waves lapping at our feet.

The best part of it all was that I was really really very touched that he had no complains about the abrupt change of plans and the "kicking back heels" was his idea.

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I whistle a happy tune.

Heya world! A quick update while I'm waiting for Mr H to finish his tutorials. The King and I ended yesterday. I'm a little sad, I've gotten so used to the songs and such. Last night was the final performance and we all managed to get tickets to watch. And what a performance! I found it alot better than the previous musical I watched, maybe because I know almost all the songs by hard, but probably because of all the humour injected into it. It can pretty much be renamed "The King of Siam and the Women who Loved Him" because at different points of the musical, you can really see how everyone really loves the king. They [especially his wife] acknowledge that he's stubborn and sometimes spoiled but they had such moving words to describe the man beneath all the facade. And yes, he IS very lovable! Him with his "Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." Kay, you probably wouldn't understand unless you yourself saw the musical, haha.

And the part that they had the "play" was incredible too - the costumes were dazzling and the dances were so coordinated and so in tune with the music. It was really really awesome.

I teared up at some points, laughed aloud with the rest of the audience at others. I think another thing that made it nice was being able to meet some of the cast. They are gorgeous in real-life, I tell you. The pictures in the program don't do them justice. And the kids are all so cute!

Sales wise, I think we did a pretty good job since we sold all the soundtracks and most of the music scores and books. Before we left, we were given some souvenirs to keep, so hurray! :D

So that's that. Last night marked the end of the musical but if they ever come down to Singapore again, you can bet I'll be there. ;)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Half the fun is in finding out.

I cancelled tuition this morning because I feel like everything's such a whirlpool - waking up early in the morning for this and that followed by this and that. Hahaha, my elaboration skills leave alot to be desired, don't they? ;) I think Hasyim's starting to feel weary too. It's like.. we just want to stop, roll over on our backs and stare up at the sky, doing nothing.

Anyhoo, met up with the girls yesterday morning. It was so much fun! Despite them all being later than me [haha ey, but at least Huda's there to balance the status quo, right, Shaza? =P], despite my breakfast to consist almost entirely of vegetables, it was good, not-so-clean fun.

We're meeting up on Friday again for some cheese-lovin' and I can't wait for that albeit the fact that I'll probably be really broke. Haha.

I don't have to tell you what this is all about,
'Cause baby half the fun is in us figuring it all out.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm excited to go for SnB Welcome Tea, hopefully it'll go well later.

Yesterday I sat with the twins for lecture. Meghna saved a seat for me, thanks darl! It was funny, cause when I went in, I met Madhuri [who isn't even taking the lecture] and I wasn't sure whether there was a seat saved for me and when she asked another girl, the girl was saying there's a seat for 'Meghna's friend', and Madhuri turned to me and said, "That's you. Go!"

Haha kay, it doesn't sound as funny here but yeah :D.

Work yesterday was pretty good. The crowd wasn't alot [weekdays, waddya expect?] so I managed to squeeze in some quiet time between the shows.

Alrighty, it's time I get dressed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So why don't we go,
Somewhere only we know.

Fuuh! The Cardio Sculpt class was lots and lots of fun! Although it isn't as tiring as Amore.. but I guess the instructor's just trying to pace us. It's refreshing being in a room full of girls, sweating it out, [pardon the pun] again.

Tomorrow I'll have to work. :(. The sad face is cause, no matter how much fun I have while working, firstly it's not as fun without Hasyim and secondly, I hadn't planned on working tomorrow - it's just that they're really in need of people, for tomorrow night. Oh well. I wonder what the crowd will be like on a weekday.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello Young Lovers

Hello young lovers, whoever you are,
I hope your troubles are few.
All my good wishes go with you tonight,
I've been in love like you.

Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star,
Be brave and faithful and true,
Cling very close to each other tonight.
I've been in love like you.

I know how it feels to have wings on your heels,
And to fly down the street in a trance.
You fly down a street on the chance that you meet,
And you meet -- not really by chance.

My my baby, please.

Finally got my tutorial registration done. Well, kinda. I'm on the phone with Hasyim now, trying to coordinate our classes. Well, he is. I'm just listening and nodding along with whatever he says.

Instead of helping me lose weight, the prospect of being so near Mrs Fields and fast food outlets at Marina Sq is just way too tempting! Especially since we Esplanade people get discounts. :D.

I actually feel like getting The King and I original movie soundtrack, [my my, our customer "persuasion" means is starting to influence even me!] and we keep singing along to the songs. Come on, we've been listening to the tunes almost every night!

I've been so busy that the issue of Cleo is still unopened on my table. But the good thing about being so tired is that you simply collapse into bed and have one of the best sleeps ever. :)

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- Picture taken at a carpark.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.

Work was tiring, we got split up for the afternoon shift but the sales upstairs jumped by around $500! :D :D :D That made up for the lousy shift. The night shift downstairs was good though, we made more than $2600. Too bad we don't get commission, huh.

Hasyim had to leave after that but he was such a darling, he picked me up after my night shift with lots of food and sent me home. Tomorrow my mom and sis will be watching The King and I and I'm kinda jealous because I'm starting to get addicted to the songs and scenes.

Tomorrow's going to be a very very busy day what with tuition at 9am followed by 2 shifts at work.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Uh oh. It's raining!

Words make me hot.

I'm in my room, facing the balcony. Outside, the wind is sharp and crisp yet take in a refreshing, deep, breath and it soothes your nerves. The sky is light grey, with the slightest touch of blue and the smell of rain lingers in the air. It feels so serene.

This is my favourite moment - the calm before the storm.

On second thought, since I have to go to work later, please don't rain, please please please.

Music & Lyrics is a really sweet movie! I know this is long overdue, but I've only just seen it despite having the dvd since Jakarta. Even now, I watched it over the course of a few days, in bits and pieces because I've been really really tired, and I haven't had much free time, but even that didn't distract from how nice the movie was.

I think my favourite scene has got to be when he told her former lover off. It was so sweet - at that time, they still barely knew each other yet he knew her well enough to stand up for her and that was amazing. :) It's such a feel good movie.

What else? Oh yes. Watched Rush Hour 3 with Hasyim I think two days ago. It was filled with lots of laughter. Some parts seemed deep but "my brother from another mother" always saves the day, huh? Worth the moolah. Oh and after that, we managed to sneak into another cinema to catch the last [and sweetest] bit of License to Wed.

Work later. Am tired! Yesterday night, Esplanade was packed because of the fireworks. We were in the theatre foyer and we could hear all the booms from the fireworks but not the fireworks themselves, haha. At least my mom and sis managed to clinch tickets. My sister said she recorded it but I haven't seen the video. Hasyim and I got split up at work because they wanted to try to push sales in another booth and apparently we're too good. ;) Oh! And the cashier and I had to don King and I t-shirts to try to push more sales, haha.

Tuition tomorrow morning, followed by work at noon til midnight. SEE what I mean by being really busy? But nevermind, I'll be rich at the end of the month. :D

Past few days have been emotional but all's good now. :) I've been updating my little muse diary alot and reading through very old entries, and yeah, my mind's alot clearer now. Spent quite a bit crying on the phone with Hasyim [poor baby - what an issue he had to help me resolve] which helped me articulate my thoughts and later, Huda's words did more than just pick us both up. :) I remember feeling tons better the next morning and even found myself humming I'm feelin' so good in the shower, haha.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Times Square can't shine as bright as you.

Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all.

I miss the company of girls. Ooh! I signed up for Cardio Sculpting under the Health & Fitness Club - it's every Tuesdays, 7-8pm. 10 sessions for $40 is pretty cheap, isn't it? The only problem [which didn't occur to me when I signed up] would be when fasting starts, haha. I'll probably break for a drink then continue or something.

Am meeting Hasyim later, and I can't wait for that! You know, International Relations yesterday was tough! Especially cause I have no History background. When you state your intent to become a PS major, it's alright, but when you're in a room full of other PS majors, you get a little.. intimidated. Haha.

Psychology seems interesting as well. I really want to find my niche and excel in that. I don't think I'm doing very well in PS but it seems like a pretty good choice, what with the job scope and all.

I miss everyone! Grrr!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I approached her, after summing up alot of nerve, with sincerely good intentions and being told off made me so shocked and sad but tonight I feel alot better thanks to people like Huda and Jannah. Oh well. I'll wash my hands.

I got my La Senza bra at 70% off from Faizah! She even put it in a gift bag for me. :) So I went to the welcome tea lugging alot of bags that so many people asked me where I had been out to before that, haha.

Monday, August 13, 2007

You can be my Cinderella.

Today I drove Hasyim. But he parked. Then I drove back but we managed to avoid expressways because it's my first time driving without a member of my family present and I was scared because my mom can be very fierce when she wants to. She was strict to me and when Hasyim came over, suddenly, she was all smiles and charms. I swear, he has that effect on grown ups. :P

Got home, cleaned up my room a little... then I freaked out because school starts tomorrow! Well, okay. Want to know why I freaked out? Because I we lost control just now and bought a pair of really pretty but very expensive heels and I realize that damn, unless I get a good job in the future, I am really in big trouble.

ALSO, how much time do I possibly have to do readings when I have work on Friday nights, and the whole of Saturday and Sunday?

This innocence is brilliant

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming.'s the happiness inside that you're feeling.'s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Every 60 seconds of sadness is a minute of happiness lost.

Everyone seems to be taking Malays of Singapore! Haha, kays, I've gotten my new hp. It's a Nokia 5300. Not the latest model, but it'd have to do until I finish my contract.

SO I've just finished another day at work. Think I love the job. Despite it being really very tiring, it's still fun. I think we make a great team. :) And there's this guy from France who's here trying to improve his English and I think that's really brave of him. We showed him the rooftop at Esplanade just now.

I now have swollen toes thanks to standing in heels since 11am. But Hasyim actually gave me a foot massage behind the booth! :D

Tomorrow we've got the wedding to look forward to and then work again. Yippedy doo daa dayy!

School's starting. Whooeyy! I was supposed to pull up my CAP this semester but now everyone's telling me that 3 PS mods are pretty heavy. That's what I get for planning while overseas, huh.

Anyway, here are pictures from over a week ago. The first one was stolen from Shaza, hee hee.

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Anyway I'm going to revamp my room! :) Watch this space for pictures!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Got somebody, she's a beauty.

Sales is fun! It's tiring especially cause I'm in heels the entire time, it's a little scary facing irritable customers but when you get one who is so kind and returns your smile, it's one of the best feelings in the world.

I'm sitting here in my underwear because my feet ache too much to take the few steps to the bathroom for a shower. Tomorrow's National Day! I didn't really feel the spirit of things but at the Esplanade, there were several performances and rehearsals and I just sat there, reliving all the songs and patriotism. HAHA. Reliving the patriotism, huh.

Think I'm going to get some food.

Better put some clothes on first.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sometimes, crazy's all right.

Sometimes you meet somebody,
And you know that whatever you did before,
It must have been right...
Because nothing you've done could be too bad,
Or have gone too far wrong,
Because it led you to this person.

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I'm happy and I'm content. Simply because I've found someone who loves me for who I am and who respects my decisions and feelings. I've run out of fancy or sweet rhymes but it's amazing, really. I never expected this and I'm not sure how it happened, but I do believe you're the best thing that has ever happened to me (!). Haha :)

You know, it always takes a bigger man to walk away. That makes him the smarter man as well because, time heals all wounds. Now we're no longer the hot topic, no longer have people placing bets on how long we'd last.

I remember one episode of OTH where Haley got the tattoo of the number 19 on her lower back and Lucas got angry but Haley said she didn't mind because no matter what happened, the tattoo would be a reminder of her happiness then.

And more often than not, that's all that matters.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


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My cousin's wedding in KL was simple yet elegant and very very sweet. It took place over the course of 4 days, the last day was at a hotel in Shah Alam. I love the costumes and how it matched the decor.

Had lots of fun in KL but I'm now really tired. I'm waiting for all the pictures to be uploaded into Shutterfly but right now, I just want to catch 40 winks...