Monday, August 13, 2007

You can be my Cinderella.

Today I drove Hasyim. But he parked. Then I drove back but we managed to avoid expressways because it's my first time driving without a member of my family present and I was scared because my mom can be very fierce when she wants to. She was strict to me and when Hasyim came over, suddenly, she was all smiles and charms. I swear, he has that effect on grown ups. :P

Got home, cleaned up my room a little... then I freaked out because school starts tomorrow! Well, okay. Want to know why I freaked out? Because I we lost control just now and bought a pair of really pretty but very expensive heels and I realize that damn, unless I get a good job in the future, I am really in big trouble.

ALSO, how much time do I possibly have to do readings when I have work on Friday nights, and the whole of Saturday and Sunday?


Anonymous said...

i am doing IR! :D


Ira said...

It was so nice to see you again! :D Hey but the lecture seemed HARD!

Ira said...

It was so nice to see you again! :D Hey but the lecture seemed HARD!