Thursday, June 21, 2007

"In need of a fresh start"

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This entry is a cumulative one - it's a result of several days of mindless scribbles, being uploaded at one shot. So if it doesn't make much sense, then, oops! Haha.
Karen Armstrong is inspirational. To be honest, we were really having second thoughts whether or not we should go and in the end, I'm really glad that we went. Inspirational not only because the talk made sense but because it made me want to be like her. I want to be as well read, as accomplished as that lady, who sat up there, occasionally dissing politicians [Dr Yaacob Ibrahim was being a good sport beside her, haha], telling us to look deep into our inner selves, live with compassion and be guided by The Golden Rule.

So I've started work. Albeit it's only for a few days and it's with my sister but all's good. The work is tiring but a helluva lot of fun - I think Hasyim and I work well together because we managed to finish everything before the allocated time. I think this is the perfect job for me because:
1) It's only for a few days which is perfect since I'll be leaving soon.
2) I get to work with someone I like...
3) and my sister. HAHA, she's a good boss. Really. She won't distract you while you're counting flyers! =P.

So watch out for The King and I, yo. If you do decide to go, remember who helped, hahaha.

Anyway, about the overseas trip(s). It's not just Jakarta now, but Jakarta for a few days followed by a domestic flight to Bali to meet up with my uncle and some cousins there. Back to Singapore for a few days followed by Redang with many more uncles and cousins, then back to Singapore again for another few days and finally KL.

It's not something I'm looking forward to for many reasons. :( We've shed so many tears and I've had so many sore eyes [after crying] and yes, I will go, but not because I want to but because I have to. Did that sound a little weird? If it did, it's just cause I don't want to outwardly state my reasons, haha.

I'm feeling apathetic. I figure, in a twisted way, the long trip coming up is good because it will let me clear my head. Sometimes, space is good. Nyeheheh.

I think tomorrow might be our last day of work. Maybe, only. Hopefully not because it is quite fun, mindlessly routine, but still quite fun. Gathering documents and now having a favourite stapler is new to me. Work's also interesting because of my crossing paths with office folk [like SECURITY GUARDS] who are usually very irritable. I reckon being cooped up all day does wonders for your personality. But it's just fascinating, the different characters you meet and while walking around the area, I've discovered completely new places in Singapore. Well, then, that should come as no surprise because I don't really know my way around this island but but but still, the quaint shops around the area and multitude of pubs create a colourful variety that really makes me wonder where I've been all this while, haha.

What is my job, exactly? I'd like to call myself an [unofficial] personal assistant. :D

Tuesday's looming. I'll leave on the 26th, return approximately on the 12th of July. 2 weeks here and then KL.

Won't you say goodbye?


Anonymous said...

Sexayyy cat. Such an erotic pose if human. Anyways, take care and have fun there. Bring loads of pretty memories back. *winks*


Ira said...

Haha thanks, babe. That's about the only thing I'm looking forward to. :(

And trust YOU to interpret the picture that way! ;) Haha!