Sunday, June 24, 2007

A key that could use a little turning.

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My mom's birthday is on the 26th of June, but we'd be in Jakarta then [:(] so we celebrated today with a lunch at Sanur. Noreen was kind enough to treat us and yay, the food was delicious.

Her friend who came over to discuss their project actually bought my mom a cake. Can you believe how sweet that gesture was? She did it on her own accord, without anyone asking and refusing to accept payment. =)

So yepp. My grandfather joined in for a picture and that made it all very funny firstly because he had to be given explicit instructions to not blow out the candles and secondly, when he saw the big "P" [the cake was from Prima Deli], he assumed we had gotten the cake from Pertapis. My sister's friend almost fell off the sofa laughing at all the kecoh-ness.

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Don't ask me why his mouth was wide open, haha.

1 comment:

Husna Ahmad Sany said...

OMG! HAHA 26TH TOO?? haha. hahaha. ignore my not-very-substantial content of a comment. hahaha. happy birthday to your mom too! :)