Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day, all!

I'm watching you watch over me,
I've got the greatest view from here.

We went to Secret Recipe! Just us four ladies. The day started out bright and early with a trip to the cemetary [all the way to Jalan Bahar and I drove!]. After that, we went for a short drive to Changi Coast with my grandfather. I reckon he just wanted to get out of the house and I was more than welcome to oblige because it would, of course, mean that I'd get to drive again, and driving there is simple pimple compared to scary expressways with mean drivers and curving roads.

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We only had dessert there, we didn't get any of the main course. I had the Chocolate Banana cake which I had been craving for since forever. Mom had her Baked Cheesecake because the marble cake was all finished :(. Ana had Chocolate Indulgence and Noreen very cleverly decided to go for a Shepard's Pie because she knew we'd have an overdose of sweetness. True enough, the Shepard's Pie was the favourite among us. Haha :)

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Hope mom had a good time because she really deserves it. She's the strongest, kindest woman I know and I'm lucky if I can be just like her when I grow up.

You know, I think it's a sign that today, on Mother's Day, I got my period. Hahaha.

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