Thursday, May 10, 2007

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So today we went to Parkway with the little Mister. The pictures were taken at Banquet when my aunt and mom decided, yet again, that they wanted ice kacang, haha. Later on, we bought ingredients for the pizza I was planning to make. Ultimately, the pizza turned out just okay. I mean, how ok could it be with just the simplest of simple ingredients? I suppose it was a nice dish to whip up for a change. Especially for non-chefs like me. :D

I feel lethargic. I think it's because day in and day out, I'm free. Well not so free because my sister and I are helping my mom run errands and she is just a bundle of energy. She goes out in the morning, comes home to pray Dzohor then goes out again. Sometimes it's hard just keeping up with her! But it's all good because it keeps me somewhat busy.

Also the entire business with the holidays is driving me crazy. First, a KL trip. Then, a Jakarta trip. Then now, maybe Bali. Or as of 5 minutes ago, maybe NOT Bali. Then maybe Jakarta again. It sucks getting your hopes up, because personally, I'm okay with jet-setting anywhere. I can pack in a flash and be all ready to go. *gives pointed look to Mom* At least Morocco is 75% confirmed. Heh. :P

This entry is written in a lousy mood because I feel like I'm getting fatter and fatter until one day, I'm really going to pop! Oh nevermind, tomorrow I'll work up enough will-power for a run. I'm going to work my ass off, literally.

And my my, the princesses at Number 33 have been keeping their paws busy, haven't they?

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