Saturday, May 12, 2007

In darkness she is all I see.

But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would bring me back to you,
That someday it would bring me back to you.

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This morning I mentioned wanting to change my bedsheets because it has been forever since I had fresh sheets and my mom finally agreed. When she pulled any ol' combination out of the wadrobe this morning, I remember whining that it probably wouldn't match but I think it turned out okay, don't you? Ah but I think I'm getting my period soon and I'll be damned if they're stained. :P

Kay. Today I went for the ABT lesson and it nearly killed me! I emerged from the class with almost every part of my body aching, muscles I never knew I had, burning. Haha!

Didn't go for the Hip Hop lesson in the end as I was too tired. I don't think I've been losing much weight but I sure as hell have been discovering new muscle groups! :D Caught the movie 28 Weeks Later, which is pretty moving. Scary but moving. :) I love stories with alot of jumbled up plots, especially those with a twist at the end, like Saw 2. If you're that kind, then consider watching Fracture. Some movies are simply brilliant.

Then again, sometimes I just love watching love stories with cliched happy endings just for the hell of it. I also love watching scary movies which scare the hell out of me [although I'll do research on it later and get frustrated if I don't understand the particular ghost or what-nots involved]. And I love action flicks, aka Die Hard 4. Can't miss that one either!

I think I'm a movie freak, muahaha.

Am getting my tuition pay soon, yo! I'm planning to start saving up for that trip. Want it to happen, really I do. I want it to happen like I've never wanted anything to happen. :)


Husna Ahmad Sany said...

eh girl,you talked about "discovering new muscle groups" - dont make me giggle and pinch my new-found stomach 'muscle-groups' ah that come to mind. haha. hey, your entries are nice to read. ^.^

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, the bed looks inviting.


Ira said...

Husna! Hahaha funny, but I'm sure Hakim won't mind. ;) Heyy the other day my sister asked me who in the band I get along the best with and I said, "HUSNA." then she rolled her eyes and said, "She's not in the band!" Hahaha funnyy. :D

And Alvin, down boy! Haha I miss talking to you! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha join silat! den can find even more new muscle groups ahahhaha

i love to watch movies....but u noe....i watched a grand total of 3 movies dis year! sheesh muz go watch myself sumtimes :p


Ira said...

Hahaha only 3?! I watched soo many. Nevermind, next time we watch one all together ok? We watch a super duper scary movie. Hehehe.

Husna Ahmad Sany said...

hehe. hehehehe.

HAHA! must try that kinda answer someday to irritate a poor victim.. hm.. *thoughtfully*

Ira said...

Haha yepp. :) Say hi to Hakim for me!