Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My love, forever.

KL was awesome. :)

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The picture was taken at my uncle's house, where we stayed [it's two houses connected by a swimming pool, zowee!].

I think I have never enjoyed a trip to KL as much as I had this time. Okay, admittedly the kids drove me a l-i-t-t-l-e crazy but they were still so adorable and I did have fun. Joking around with them, laughing with them and what nots. I've got videos but we'll see if I get around to uploading them.

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The KL Eye was okay. It got a little boring because it was 8 rounds, for God's sake. But at least Qusya was there. The picture above is us with two of my uncle's four kids. Then we tried taking the KTM for the first time ever all the way to Klang, haha. The kids were pretty sporting about it, [although they did fall asleep for the most part].

That was on Saturday. On Sunday we went to KLCC then Mid Valley again then my aunt took us out for tea at her place. After that we met up with my other relatives and yay, got to meet Azmyr after what - 5 years? They're going to Pulau Redang this hols! My mom is still unsure if we're joining them.

T'was fun. Gotta say I'm kinda starting to like KL now. I think what always deterred me in the past was the long rides [a no-no for someone with motion sickness] but now rides within KL don't seem as bad. And I love the messiness of the place. Singapore seems too orderly. KL seems... different, somehow.

But like my aunt said, security there's a bitch. Which was scary because my aunt chided my mom for putting her bag on the seat beside her and I heard that now, thefts occur even when your bag is on your lap! Very-the-daring thieves, heh.

Results wise - I suppose I did better than I expected. Not good enough but better than expected. Headaches and nuances whatsoever will be kept a secret, for now.


nj said...

wow that pool looks so tempting!!

hey if you're planning on majoring in psych you can do it with me! :)

i hope you do!

Ira said...

Haha yes it does, doesn't it! :)